Ðề: Mua bán ở Nhật Bản
Chao ban
Truoc het ban cho biet ban dang o thanh pho nao o Nhat
o Nagoya co OSUKANON la noi co ban nhieu hang secondhand cung nhu hang moi ,o TOKYO thi co the den AKIHABARA cung co the mua hang moi va hang cu ,hang moi thi o Nhat mua o dau ma chang co ,cu vao sieu thi la co the mua duoc,con hang cu thi nen hoi nguoi Nhat cac cua hang Hard off, hoac recycle shop la co the tim duoc ngay ,Hien nay o hard off thi hay tinh thue ,con recycle thi co cho tinh thue ,co cho khong tinh ,ban co the truy cap vao
hoac 1 so dia chi o Tokyo nhe
Asakusa Sumida Park
Where Asakusa Sumida Park
When Held monthly
Information N/A
Getting There 2 minutes walk from Asakusa station (Ginza, Asakusa lines).
It is the side of the park which has the Sea bus stop. Don't cross the bridge.
Meiji Park
Where Meiji Park
Kasumigaoka-machi Shinjuku-ku Tokyo
When Held twice a month
Information It is a big, good for a wide range of ages, almost anything is available. There are about 500 shops altogether.
Getting There 7 minutes walk from Sendagaya station (JR line), next to Nihon
Nihonmaru Memorial Park
Where Nihonmaru Memorial Park in MM21
When Held irregulerly
Information N/A
Getting There 7 minute walk from Sakuragicho station (JR Negishi, Tokyu Toyoko, Shiei Chikatetsu lines). It is held in the space around Nihon

maru Memorial Park. Go to the MM21 side.
Ngoai ra o cac thanh pho deu co Flea market va mua hang o day rat re ,co the mac ca thoai mai va dac biet la co rat nhieu nguoi ngoai quoc ban hang ,ho co the noi tieng Anh ,thinh thoang co nguoi noi duoc ca tieng Viet nua day
Viec mang hang ve VN bay gio thoang lam ,ban co the mang thoai mai ma khong phai lo gi ,cu di qua cua "xanh" tuc la cua khong co gi phai khai bao (chi lo sao lot duoc dau vao san bay Nhat -y toi noi la trong luong va kich co hang ban theo )
Chuc ban may man